sobralasolas ! episode 1
sobralasolas ! episode 2
sobralasolas ! episode 3

Aug 2009 - cd release episode 1
ohm avatar quebec qc —

18 Nov 2009 - sobralasolas! lecture by Björn Eriksson, Härnösand (SW) —

17 Jan 2010 - episode 2 premiere at deutschlandradio kultur berlin - ohrenstrand berlin (G) —

Dec 2010 - cd release episode 2 (excerpt)
EBU Acustica series - Art's Birthday 2005-2010 —

22 Jun 2012 - episode 3 premiere at grim marseille (F) —


Part 1: Presentation ?
Part 2: Ep1 system ?
Part 3: Spoken texts ?
Part 4: Jacques Derrida ?
Part 5: Luc Ferrari ?
Part 6: Work sources ?

Sobralasolas ! - episode 1 (2007/2008) - 60mn
Radiopera avec/with Caroline Bouissou (Caroline), Dinahbird (Bird), Björn Eriksson (Miulew), Jérôme Joy (Jerome), Kaffe Matthews (Mlle Jaune), Gregory Whitehead (TêteBlanche).
Réalisé par / Edited and produced by Jérôme Joy.
Commissioned by Festival SonoR Nantes (F) Feb 2007.
CD release OHM AVATAR (OHM 048) Quebec, Aug 2009.

Part 6: Work sources ?

As you see, several sources are convoked within the development of the first episode of SOBRALASOLAS!. And still those are only those that are raised in the editing work and at the beginning of the project. If we ask to each sobralasoler, other sources could be recovered corresponding to the contribution of each one of us -- .

Different ways of developing collaboration basis were evoked along first conversations within the team, and it would be interesting to show them in order to clearly render the work process. In the very beginning of SOBRALASOLAS!, the question of narration was introduced by asking the need of a basis scenario for complexifying the layers of emerging fictions coming from sound recording systems we had set up individually. Some tracks were followed in order to create a common pattern which will be also fictive because no one of us wanted to use it like a score or a story to illustrate. In fact, this "complexion" was only evoked as a first basis of the collaboration on which we had to debate, contradict and deviate. The first proposition below proposed to work on another fictive layer upon the sound composition that began to emerged from the different first experiments of distance sound recording. This part was quickly abandoned to focus ourselves on sound only and the possible narrative impression that could emerge from it. Because we didn't need adding literary effect, even if the concept of » opera « can help to conceive a narrative pattern/scenario, this exploration and attempt appeared useless. Nevertheless fictive impacts of such an exploration worth a try to be noticed because it was decisive in the later choices we did.
english version

Sobralasolas! is approaching a daily epic, a crossing thru appearances: a giant supermarket, a street where each evening a truck is parked in a location with no house in the neighbourhoods, a housing estate, at the edge of a city facing a impatient landscape in which the electric wires and flux are buzzing, a kitchen animated by a radio. The everyday life becomes the matter of a different new life, to which one did not pay up attention to that point. The inner stories evoked like wakes, set in parallel or interlaced, echolalias and glossolalias, are clear and labyrinthian. Six viewpoints, six protagonists, Têteblanche, Dinah, Caroline, Miulew, Jerome and Kaffe, continue the adventures of the everyday ambiance which they progressively discover in front of them: they are at the same time distant, inhabitants of their own place and site, and friendly together, in crossing and scrambling their stories.
Each time, emerging from each statement or description of their proximities and their dreams, unknown landscapes arise up; swift glances and words make them appear. The most ordinary places become unknown territories, the nearest moves to remote landscapes. They escape from their life by giving existence to their own context. Through their conversations, their short talks, counterparts, monologues and visions of dream, they tell their story. This episode without end nor beginning, so fortuitous it is, is producing the visible. What they saw is what they have got in common.

Têteblanche decides to share with the others his experience of the earthmoving, but they well know that the Earth's crust moves only during the natural disasters. Caroline travels to Paris and tries to meet Bird, but she suddenly leaves Bird's house and turns and goes back to her homer. After a dentist's consultation, Miulew's fillings start to receive radio transmissions. Kaffe have had a strange dream: she studied the sky constellations on the roof of a building. When the telescope turns, she heared voices. Têteblanche and Bird live in the same building. Both work at the sales department of a electronic computer firm and have a happy life without trouble, until they decide to see the things differently. A banal collision transforms the quiet life of Caroline. The memory of now carelessness's moments causes a new tension between them.

(culled from « Le Mode Story » by Martin Tupper, 1995, Collection Yoon Ja & Paul Devautour, and coming from TV summaries of movies and soap serials)

version française

Sobralasolas! approche l'épopée du quotidien, une traversée des apparences. Un supermarché géant, une rue où chaque soir un camion est garé sans qu'il y ait une habitation aux alentours, un lotissement, une bordure de ville face à un paysage impatient dans lequel bruissent les fils électriques et les flux qui s'y croisent, une cuisine animée par une radio, la vie de chaque jour, deviennent la matière d'une vie autre, à laquelle on ne prêtait jusque-là pas attention. Les trajectoires évoquées comme des sillages, parallèles ou croisés, écholalies et glossolalies, sont claires et labyrinthiques. Six protagonistes, Têteblanche, Bird, Caroline, Miulew, Jérôme et Mlle Jaune, poursuivent l'aventure de l'espace quotidien qu'ils découvrent au fur et à mesure devant eux: à la fois distants, habitant leurs propres lieu et localité, et familiers, croisant et brouillant leurs histoires.
À chaque pas, à chaque énoncé ou description de leurs proximités et de leurs rêves, naissent des paysages inconnus, c'est le regard et la parole qui les fait apparaître. Les endroits les plus banals deviennent des terres inconnues, le plus proche se modifie en paysage lointain. Ils s'évadent de leur existence en donnant consistance à leur contexte, à leurs lieux d'être. Par leurs conversations, leurs allocutions, répliques, monologues et visions de rêve, ils racontent leur histoire. Cet épisode sans fin ni début, aussi fortuit soit-il, produit du visible. Ce qu'ils ont en commun, c'est ce qu'ils ont vu.

Tèteblanche décide de faire partager l'expérience du mouvement de la Terre aux autres, mais ils savent bien que l'écorce terrestre ne bouge que pendant les catastrophes naturelles. Caroline se rend à Paris et tente de rencontrer Bird, mais elle quitte l'appartement et fait demi-tour. Après une visite chez le dentiste, le plombage de Miulew commence à recevoir des transmissions radio. Kaffe fait un rêve étrange : elle étudie la constellation du ciel sur le toit d'un immeuble. En tournant le télescope, elle entend des voix. Tèteblanche et Bird vivent dans le mème immeuble. Tous deux travaillent au service commercial d'une société d'informatique et mènent une vie sans histoire jusqu'à ce qu'ils décident de voir les choses autrement. Une banale collision transforme la vie tranquille de Caroline. Le souvenir de leur moments d'inattention au présent provoque une nouvelle tension entre eux.

(adaptation d'après « Le Mode Story » de Martin Tupper, 1995, Collection Yoon Ja et Paul Devautour, assemblés à partir de résumés de films et de séries télévisées)

Part 1: Presentation ?

SOBRALASOLAS! ep1 (2007/2008) is produced in collaboration with Festival Sonor Nantes, Ohm Avatar Quebec, Locus Sonus , The Thing NYC,,, and

Graphisme / Cover art designer & graphics : Caroline Bouissou
Webdesign and webmaster : Jérôme Joy